This disclaimer applies to any consultation of the GO SOLID website (www.go-solid.be).
By consulting this website, visitors expressly accept the provisions of this disclaimer. GO SOLID may unilaterally change the provisions of this disclaimer at any time.
All data on the site are maintained by GO SOLID with the greatest care, using only reliable sources. In view of the fast-changing and complex nature of the situations covered, GO SOLID does not guarantee that the information provided through this website is accurate and complete. GO SOLID therefore rejects all liability for direct and indirect damage resulting from access to, consultation of or use of the information, data and publications on the website.
The visitor remains fully responsible for the choice of information to consult and for the consequences of the use he/she makes of this information.
The website is in principle always available for consultation, except during periods of technical and content-related maintenance work or repair of defects. GO SOLID cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the unavailability of the website or any part thereof, restrictions in its use, etc.
This website contains hyperlinks to third-party websites. Visitors are free to consult these websites. GO SOLID bears no responsibility whatsoever for the content of the sites to which it provides links and offers no guarantees as to the level of security of these sites. GO SOLID cannot be held liable for any adverse consequences or any damage that visitors may suffer as a result of the use of the hyperlinks.
The intellectual property rights to the website, including all logos, information etc., belong to GO SOLID and are also protected by copyright. The copying, adapting or modifying of part or all of this site in any form and in any way whatsoever without the express permission of GO SOLID is prohibited. Any violations will be subject to civil and criminal proceedings. GO SOLID authorises visitors to this site to copy, print and use the consulted data on condition that these data are used purely for the visitor’s information purposes, to the exclusion of any further duplication, distribution, commercialisation or use among third parties.
GO SOLID takes great care to ensure that its online services can be accessed securely by customers and registered users, using security systems which reflect the latest technical developments. In order to gain access, users must prove their identity by means of an identification procedure unique to them. The user undertakes to use the service in a responsible manner and to make every effort to prevent third parties from discovering the identification procedure, which is strictly personal. Responsibility for complying with this identification procedure and for the adverse consequences of any misuse thereof rests solely with the user.
GO SOLID respects the privacy of the users of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy.